Join us in providing clean water!
Did you use water today? How many times? You might've: Drank water, brushed your teeth, washed your hands, took a shower, flushed a toilet, washed dishes, washed clothes, watered a plant, gone to a car wash. What did that water look like? What color was it? Did you...
3 Myths About Short Term Missions
It’s summer. That time of year when everyone goes to the beach, has barbecues, enjoys the outdoors, and writes articles about why short term mission trips will harm everyone who encounters one. While short term mission trips can undoubtedly have a negative effect, the...

Clean Water Has Arrived!
We are excited to share that part 1 of the newest Bona clean water project is complete! The water is flowing well and is very clean and a wash table was also put in to make it easier for those washing clothes! [gallery size="large"...
One Life
Jean writes to answer the question "Why Ethiopia?" If you could change the life of 1 person, would you do it? Or do you just throw up your hands and say “it is impossible to help a nation, especially a third world nation, if the government of that nation...