Growing up

Growing up

  Suzanne (a sponsor and trip participant) shares her thoughts:   Over the course of the past nine years, I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia and see Hawassa Hope in action with my own eyes. I have sponsored five different children, three of whom I still...

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Hope Brings Change

Hope Brings Change

When you experience the beauty, kindness and generosity of a people, it changes you on the inside! Stepping into mama Yenu’s home, I quickly realized my definitions of poverty, struggle and hardship needed a complete overhaul!  Although we have real first  world...

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Building Hope for Mebratu

Building Hope for Mebratu

Meet Mebratu and his family. Mebratu is in 5th grade and lives with his mother and 2 siblings. Their father passed away from a car accident. When our board president, Greg, visited Mebratu and his family that were very hospitable and it was evident how much they loved...

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