Our October team had a great time seeing Tesfa School open!
Cheryll, one of our trip participants, shares her thoughts:
As an educator for thirty years, it was a thrill to see and be part of the Hawassa Hope Tesfa School initiative.

The school is literally a life support system for the children in this community.
Until Tesfa Community School was built, there were no school for children in this specific community to attend.
Then up out of the fields (literally) comes Tesfa School: big and beautiful, safe and secure, clean and welcoming. Joy and pride is evident in even the smallest of details.
The school couldn’t open their doors wide enough for everyone to attend. It was my privilege to see 60 wide-eyed, uniformed boys and girls attend its first preschool.
And we all know, kids are kids everywhere. They sing and dance and play with balls in the play yard. They cry when they feel left out. They learn English and numbers and colors and the alphabet in two classrooms with the most basic supplies.
It was all I could do to hold myself back and not be a disruption. If you know me, that was a challenge.
It’s a long full day for these little ones who have never been to school before. They can rest if needed. They have lunch and snack together in the lunchroom. They pray and thank God for their food. We treated the littles to donuts one day. I don’t know if the donuts or their eyes were bigger.
The school is an oasis in a hard land. It brought tears to my eyes. These children are well loved and well cared for and now, have a future.
We had the chance to interact with the teachers and school administrators, a skilled group of individuals. They are creative, full of joy and patience, and desire to raise up a new generation of educated youngsters.
Each little boy and each little girl is a gift to their community and their world. Their education is crucial in shaping their future.Poverty or limited resources should not keep anyone from developing their God-given giftedne
I invite you to join with me in supporting children receiving education in Ethiopia.
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