Mossy foot is a form of elephantiasis that manifests itself on the skin with a rough mossy like texture and swelling of the affected area. It comes from small shards of silicates found in volcanic soil that work their way into the skin. As the condition progresses the swelling becomes worse and causes much pain and begins to give off an offensive odor.
One of our sponsored girls had the condition which had progressed to the point that she could no longer wear shoes and was so ashamed (she was teased by the other kids) and had such discomfort that she had stopped attending school and her demeanor became as one who was shamed and unworthy. Thanks to donations, she received treatment, training, shoes and supplies. she then was able to go back to school and her confidence returned!
We are privileged to work with local leadership in different areas where this is an issue. As we educate–we explain what it is, what causes it, how to treat it and most importantly that it is not because of anything they had done wrong nor is it the result of any curse. The treatment is quite simple and inexpensive and we also equip each affected family with the supplies necessary to treat it. The most important thing is closed toed shoes to prevent it.
We have seen great success and are thrilled to see the education extend out from our families as they share their knowledge with others in their community.
We would love to have you join us in this endeavor—being hope to those who are told they are cursed and watching them rise as they are able to walk without pain and shame.