On my recent trip to Hawassa, Ethiopia I was blessed to experience the work of Hawassa Hope. As we visited Ajuuja, the children’s home, various community gatherings and a clean water project in another community, we were faced each day with the stark reality of poverty. As I returned to the states, however, what has stayed with me is the beauty of the people and the incredible blessing it is to be able to be a small part of their lives, even from across the world!

One afternoon we met with sponsored children and their parents in a community surrounded by streets deep with red mud. As we made our way to the meeting place, our shoes became caked with the goopy stuff. Our guests had walked much, much further through that mud to meet with us.
We had coffee, bread and popcorn, sang and clapped and danced. Parents were given their monthly stipend as we all enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

As the group dwindled, there was one young man of about 15 years waiting to receive his support. He came to the desk smiling and spoke to us as Teshe, HH Social Worker, translated. He is a full orphan who lives with an uncle and is diabetic. He works for neighbors to earn money for his medication to keep the diabetes under control after he goes to school.
He was new to the program and had no sponsor, so I jumped in to be his sponsor. Ah, the beauty of the smile on his face when Teshe told him was priceless! He came around to my side and hugged me so tight! When we said we would pray, the boy dropped to his knees, burying his face in his hands. Even with a language barrier, the joy he felt was easy to see.

I continue to pray for this dear young man and I am able to send him a care package when a team goes back to Ethiopia. I can imagine him opening the package, seeing the contents and knowing he is loved by someone around the world but, most importantly, by God!
I am grateful for Hawassa Hope. This organization seeks out those in need and then moves on to meet those needs. Whether it’s clean water for a community, pre- natal care for pregnant women, small business loans to help women get on their feet, educational seminars or child sponsorship, Hawassa Hope is able to provide support in a way that allows dignity for the recipients while meeting very real needs.
What I contribute really is so little compared to the needs of these dear people!
What Hawassa Hope provides really does change lives!
Please head to the link below if you’d like to join me in sponsoring a child with Hawassa Hope!