On Tuesday, the Ethiopian Parliament voted to end international adoptions.

You can read about it at these links:



While there have been instances of corruption, international adoptions to both the United States and Europe were in the past an important part of caring for Ethiopia’s orphans. Now, this option no longer exists.

Under these circumstances, we want to stress just how important caring for children in Ethiopia really is.

A major part of Hawassa Hope is orphan care. Another critical part of the work is is preventing children from being relinquished and becoming orphans while promoting the well-being of existing families.

Ajuuja Children’s Home is an important place. It is a safe and loving home in which children can grow and be loved. The children there come due to different circumstances. Some were abandoned in unthinkable places. Many are “left to be found” at the front door of a hospital or church.  Others have been brought by heartbroken parents who knew they were unable to care for their child at that time. But that is not where their story ends.

Formerly abandoned babies are loved and cared for; nursed back to health at Ajuuja. In many instances they are adopted by local Ethiopian families. The people who adopt these children and those who care for them in the interim are vitally important to ensuring that these children are able to flourish.

The ultimate goal is reunification for children who have been brought to Ajuuja by parents. Reunification happens when parents are able to care for their children again. This is an incredible thing to be a part of. Reunification brings families back together.

Sponsorship also plays an important part in preserving families. With the support children and their families receive from sponsorship families are able to stay together. Ultimately, this is the goal. At Hawassa Hope, we are about promoting existing families and enabling them to care for their children, with the goal of independence.

We are here for families. We are a support for families who need a hand up and encouragement. They need hope.  The hope that life can be different. The support provided by our sponsors allows loving families to stay together.

We are about caring for children who don’t have homes and loving children while they wait for their adoptive families–adoptive families in Ethiopia. The local adoption movement is growing and we are excited to be a part of that. It’s a beautiful thing to witness.

The recent decision of Ethiopia’s parliament only reaffirms the importance of local orphan care. We will continue to fight for family preservation while providing loving atmospheres for children who are without a family.

We would love for you to join us in being hope to families in Ethiopia.

Email us at info@hawassahope.org to join Hawassa Hope in caring for children and families.